
Monday, October 18, 2004

Schedule smaller group meetings
Teaching: tonight at my house 7:00 pm Coffee and cookies available
Prayer: (note this is a change) Wed. Oct. 27 at the Baldwin's house.
Worship: (no date or venue as of yet) Possible date Nov. 1st

If you are interested in what we will be doing in these areas in the coming months please attend the meeting and give your input and resources.

Here is the link to the litergy Click here to view. It would be helpful for this week's discussion if you would look it over or even print it out and bring it to house church this week(I have run out of printer paper and may not be able to get more by Thurs.). We will be talking about the litergy this week as John Davis will not be visiting. Remember, the following week we will not be in town so someone else will have to host.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Just so you all know I have updated the food schedule to include an additional main dish and a new family. Welcome, P&F Hicks to the food schedule :-)

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Oops. I was going to post this last week but forgot. Tonight we are going to continue our discussion time. We will be talking about Identity in Christ. We hope to hear from everyone on the following questions.
  1. What are you passionate about?
  2. What where you born to do?
  3. Where do you feel able to lead within the group?
  4. Where do you desire to lead (if it is different from #3)?

Friday, September 03, 2004

Some announcements from last night's meeting:

1. Eric is working on the next "In the House" magazine. He wants submissions within the next two weeks re: our thoughts on these two things: 1) What do you see for the the future of VC? 2) What are your thoughts on our role as a citizen of the world and citizen of the Kingdom? They would like to have some focuse on apolitical and non-partisan discussion.

2. Kendra will start making a monthly reminder on tithe. Sarah is going to make a tithe box area that will be set out each week as well. You do not have to write a check to Vineyard Central. You can write a check directly to "Identity Housechurch" and put it in the tithe box.

3. Shaina would like all families with children in diapers to bring a pack of diapers and wipes for upstairs by next week.

4. Next week the "girls" will leave to have a bridal shower for Phyllis at Jill's house. Guys should bring 5 bucks for pizza for them and the kids; girls bring $5 for food at the shower. Jill will organize the food for girls; John will pick up pizza.

5. Michael and Phyllis' wedding is Saturday, Sept 18th at 4:30pm. They would appreciate if families could each bring a potluck dish. Phyllis will provide barbeque and John will pick up bottled water at Sam's Club.

6. For SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER FOCUS: John would like to spend an entire month with some focused discussion on Jesus being the center of our housechurch/lives, what are we doing as a housechurch and why are we here?, what is working, what isn't working?, what do you want from leadership and how can you contribute?, etc. We may have some short worship or prayer as needed on those evenings as well.

Monday, June 21, 2004

Reminder to everyone: the chicks are going to go hang out elsewhere...guys and kids are staying at the Barrow's house THIS Thursday. -Kendra

Friday, April 30, 2004

Last night we continued discussion on the verse in James 5 "Confess your sins to each other and pray for one another that you may be healed". We've brought up some models of what that might look like to confess our sin to others, allowing a chance for wise counsel and hearing words of forgiveness. This process is not to embarrass us, but to give freedom. There is a connection between our bodies minds and spirits. Unforgiveness, bitterness, other sin separates us from God and others; it keeps us from being whole.

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Last Thursday we talked about prayer, different kinds such as in-your-closet, for others when you are not with them, giving away God's gifts, etc. We'll continue will prayer for healing in our next teaching time. The kids also did a great job this week behaving. For the older 3 kids (age 4) we have started a "two sticker club". If all 3 kids are good and obey all night, then they all get "two stickers". It worked. Amazing how little affirmation we humans need!